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To our valued Sharp Airlines customers,

As an airline serving the isolated communities of King and Flinders Islands, Sharp Airlines has always endeavoured to provide the highest safety and operational standards at the most economical prices.
Turbine fuel is a significant cost component of any airline. In the case of Sharp Airlines, fuel represents approximately 20% of our operating costs.
As the cost of fuel has increased significantly over the past months, Sharp Airlines has endeavoured to absorb these increases.
The cost of petrol at the bowser is reflected by the rise of global fuel prices, of which none of us is immune.
Like many airlines, Sharp Airlines is no longer in a position to continue absorbing the rising costs of fuel.
As a result: over the course of the next week, we wish to advise that our airfares will increase by approximately 6%. This is purely an increase to recover increased fuel costs.
The actual fuel surcharge you will be paying on your ticket will be shown on your tax invoice.
My commitment to you, our valued customers, is that we will review this fuel-related increase on a monthly basis.
Once our fuel costs reduce to a sustainable level, we will decrease the amount on a commensurate basis and will be reflected in an airfare reduction.
We greatly value your custom, and we look forward to welcoming you aboard in the future.
Kind regards

Malcolm Sharp

Managing Director/Chief Pilot, Sharp Airlines.

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