Icon Image Travelling as an Unaccompanied Minor

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Children aged between 5 - 12 years  inclusive who are traveling without the supervision of a parent or guardian are classified as being an Unaccompanied Minor. To make a booking for an Unaccompanied Minor contact your Reservations team

Bookings for these children cannot be made online.

Please note: In the interests of the safety of the child, children under the age of 5 years will not be carried unaccompanied on any Sharp flight.

Booking the Flight

At the time of booking we will require the parent/nominated guardian who is checking in the child to complete an Unaccompanied Minor Form.  Once completed, details must be sent to the Reservations Office

At the Airport

Unaccompanied minors must arrive at the Sharp Airlines Terminal at least 60 minutes prior to departure. This will allow ample time for check-in procedures.

When the minor arrives at the Terminal, the parent/guardian will be asked to fill out a Sharp Unaccompanied Minor Form. Please ensure that you have photo identification as this will be checked against the information provided to Sharp on the Unaccompanied Minors Form

In The Air

Unaccompanied Minors are supervised by Sharp Airlines crew from boarding time until landing. He / she should be able to travel without constant supervision as flights operated by Sharp do not carry a flight attendant. A child must be able to sit upright unaided in the purchased seat, with the seat belt adjusted securely without any slack around the waist.

Special Notes

Encourage your child to take a favourite toy or doll on the flight. Please explain that they will have the responsibility of looking after it throughout the journey. This will help your child feel more secure and 'at home.'

Please note that there are no toilet facilities on Sharp Airlines Aircraft. Ensure that the young person has attended the toilet facilities at the airport prior to boarding.

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